Now I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy (well, more actually), and in the world of conspiracy Alex Jones is King. And though I do believe that some conspiracy theories are in fact true (e.g. chemtrails), Jones and his Infowars website have taken conspiracy to a whole new level. According to Jones every, and I mean every major tragedy in America, from the Branch Davidians to the Oklahoma bombing, to the Aurora/Sandy Hook/San Bernardino/Orlando mass shootings were all false flag operations perpetrated by the US government to take away American citizens guns. The list goes on and on . . . the moon landing hoax, 9/11, FEMA camps set up to imprison US citizens, a vaccine program to eliminate 90% of the world's population and a government program that turns red-blooded American men gay by putting estrogen-laced chemicals in their juice boxes, water bottles etc. Well, you get the idea. They are all part of the NWO's globalist agenda to take over the world. And now King Jones and his Infowarriors have set themselves up firmly in the Trump camp. Jones believes that Trump is the greatest thing since the invention of the AR-15 assault rifle. He has said "my audience, 90% of them, they support you." And apparently Jone's love of Trump goes both ways. Trump told Jones during an appearance on the Infowars show: "Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down." oh, kay . . . 
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